Fruits contain nutrients and vitamins that benefit our body in many situations. But certain fruits are forbidden when you have diabetes which is a chronic disease affecting adults and children worldwide. Read on to find out the fruits to avoid from affecting your blood sugar levels.
No doubt that pineapple tastes so good. Although it is regarded as a medium fruit with high in vitamin C and low in carbs and sodium, it is still a high glycemic index fruit that you should avoid if you have diabetes. If you must use pineapple in meals, it is better to pair with foods that have a low glycemic index score like pasta, rice and whole wheat bread.

When people say to avoid banana if you have diabetes, you may have a question that banana is not as sweet as other fruits and why it is forbidden. In fact, the reason for raising blood sugar is not about bananas’ sweetness, but its amount of carbohydrate. One medium banana has approximately 30 grams of carbs, which is around two servings of another fruit choice. If you do want to eat the banana, it is suggested to decrease the serving amount of banana to avoid overeating in one meal.

Mango is delicious and sweet that you may want to eat an entire mango in every meal. But it contains around 30 grams of carbohydrate and 26 grams of sugar that can rise your blood sugar. It is better to avoid if you have diabetes. If you can’t resist the temptation, limit the serving portion to ½ and eat it only when it’s firmer.

Dried Fruit
When you have diabetes, dried fruit should not be in your fruit list. It is known that fruit contains several important vitamins and minerals that are good for health. However, when fruit gets dried, it not only leads to higher concentrations of nutrients, but also its sugar. Only two tablespoons of raisins have the same amount of carb as one cup of raspberries. It is suggested to stick with low-sugar fresh berries to keep your blood sugar and maintain the health benefits.

Don’t be sad, it doesn’t mean you can’t eat the fruit above. The key is to control the amount you eat. Some diabetes products could help control the blood sugar and you can enjoy the fruits safely.