Some people age better than others. Why? The rate at which you age is in fact heavily linked to your lifestyle and how well you treat your body. Here are 5 healthy, anti-ageing habits that will take years off your face and body. It’s never too late to pick up good habits. Why not make a healthy change for the new year?
#1 Drink plenty of water
Drinking an adequate amount of water daily can give you a radiant, healthy and younger-looking complexion, as skin cells are made up of water just like any other body cells. Go easy on the booze and switch your morning cup of joe to tea could put you on the road to supple, smooth skin.
#2 Wear sunscreen before you leave the house
Slathering on sunscreen first thing in the morning before you go out can help effectively reduce skin ageing caused by sun damage. In fact, UV rays cause more than 90% of the visible signs of ageing, including wrinkles, dark spots and sagging skin, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation.
#3 Cut back on sugar
Stay away from sweets to keep wrinkles at bay. Eating too much sugary foods – think soda, candies and processed foods – could lead to the breaking down of protein and collagen bonds and destroy elastin over time. So, scale back on your sugar intake to slow signs of skin ageing.
#4 Exercise regularly
Regular workouts can indeed help you look and feel younger than your years, thanks to all the sweat dripping off your face. Long story short, following your own workout routine can not only help lose weight, but also keep your skin soft and glowing.
#5 Get your beauty sleep
Lack of sleep could double the signs of skin ageing. During sleep, your body releases a growth hormone that helps restore collagen and elastin, the essential building blocks of youthful, radiant skin. In other words, you’re letting wrinkles creep in overnight if you don’t get your beauty sleep.