Summer is not over yet, and so is are the time for sandals and flip flops! To keep your feet smooth, moisturized and polished during the hot summer days, here are what you need:
You might remember to always put on sunscreen over face and body, but it’s easy to forget to apply it on feet. If you are going to wear sandals, it is important to slather sunscreen on the exposed part of your feet to prevent sun damage.
Foot scrub
Regular exfoliation helps your feet to stay smooth and soft. A foot scrub is a great way to gently remove dead and dry skin from your feet. Soak your legs and feet in a tub or basin for 10-20 minutes, apply the scrub directly to your foot and rub gently with your palm. This would reveal the baby-soft skin underneath, leaving your feet supple and soft.

Pumice stone
If you have calluses or rough spots, a pumice stone would be great for working on those areas. Soak your feet and the stone for 10-20 minutes in lukewarm water, then move the wet pumice stone in circular motions with light pressure over the skin, concentrating on the problem areas.
It is recommended to rinse the stone with warm water and dish soap after use. You can also disinfect it regularly by boiling it in a pot of water for 5 minutes to remove any bacteria or fungus, then air dry.
Lotion / recovery cream
As designed to protect the skin on which we walk, the feet are naturally drier than other parts of the body with a thicker protective layer. Therefore it is essential to hydrate your feet daily, especially after exfoliation, with foot lotion or recovery cream. The best time to apply moisturizer is while your feet are still damp (but not wet).
Moisturising socks
Wear the moisturizing socks after you have applied moisturizer onto your feet. The socks can accelerate the absorption of the cream by making your feet warmer and keeping the cream in place. This intensive nourishment efficiently improves the condition of dry and rough feet.

Shoe spray
Ever felt embarrassed while taking off your shoes as your feet are smelly and shoes are stinky due to excessive sweating? Using foot or shoe spray helps you to take your shoes off with confidence by fighting against the bacteria that causes foot odors.
Nail polish
Don’t forget about your favourite nail polish. Your summer style is not complete without these the pretty and chic shades!