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People often said: the whole day’s work depends on a good start in the morning. Breakfast is the most important meal for a day. Eat the right food for your breakfast can be helpful for detoxification and make you a whole day. Try to add the following detox food to your breakfast from tomorrow.

Suggested food for your breakfast:


Grains contain magnesium which can eliminate toxins in the body. It is suggested to add cereals such as oats or quinoa to your breakfast in the morning to help the body release toxins.

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Coconut oil

Coconut oil not only can maintain your hair and skin, but also can help your body detoxification. Therefore, it becomes a hot healthy product these years. For breakfast, you can use coconut oil for fried eggs, coated bread etc., which can make your breakfast become more delicious and healthy.

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Organic apple

Apple is rich in fiber which is good for detoxification. Eat a apple every morning can make you feel full and become healthy. Beside apple, you can choose kiwi, pears etc. which are also rich in fiber and good for health.

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Talking about star of detoxification, broccoli must be on the list.  It can help to eliminate toxins in the body, and re-balance the body’s energy level.

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Green tea

Most people love drinking coffee in the morning for refreshing, but in fact green tea has the same effect. Not only for refreshing, green tea can also work for detoxification, and it can improve digestion, heart health and achieve the role of antioxidant. It is recommended to drink green tea instead of coffee to cultivate for your healthy diet.

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