Celebrating Chinese New Year is often associated with vibrant and auspicious red, which is believed to bring luck and prosperity to us. However, red may or may not be your luckiest color for the year of Rabbit, depending on your zodiac sign.
Here, we have compiled the luckiest colors for each zodiac sign that can bring you luck in health, relationships, and career in 2023.
Luckiest Colors for each Zodiac sign
- Rat: White
- Ox: Yellow
- Tiger: blue, green
- Rabbit: blue, green
- Dragon: White
- Snake: Yellow
- Horse: Red
- Goat: Red
- Monkey: White
- Rooster: Yellow, White
- Dog: Red
- Pig: Yellow
Color Significance
#1 Blue

Did you know that “the blues” actually symbolise harmony and calm emotions? Blue represents honesty, encourages meditation and stimulates creativity. It is also often used to eliminate anxiety and negative feelings.
Put on these blues to chase negativity away from you this year:
#2 White

White is associated with health and social relationships. It brings peace and induces relaxation. It is beneficial to be around something white when you feel overwhelmed or hot-headed.
Don these white items and make a statement to the world – that you’re all ready and prepared for 2023:
#3 Green

Green relaxes us both physically and mentally. It helps us to reduce stress and combat irritability. Green is an amazing sedative for those of us who are swift to anger or suffer from insomnia.
Put on these items to shake off all stress and celebrate a refreshing Chinese New Year:
#4 Yellow

Yellow conveys optimism, happiness and warmth. It’s also the color of sunshine and sunflowers (and minions). It also helps to activate your memory, enhance vision, and build confidence.
If there’s anything that we need after 2022, cover yourself in yellow and brighten up our day:
#5 Red

Red is a color that never goes out of fashion, whether Christmas or Chinese New Year. It roars confidence and attracts positive energy. You’ll be sure to catch the attention of others no matter where you stand.
We hope that these red accents will bring good luck to you and your loved ones:

Make a copy here 👉🏻 http://bit.ly/WatsonsCNYTimetable
Make a copy of our Watsons Chinese New Year timetable and start planning your visiting slots with your family and friends!