Zero waste is a buzzword that seeks to use products that can be reused or composed in our daily routine. It doesn’t mean you will generate literally no waste at all. It refers to a lifestyle that people trying to live less wastefully. Let’s check out the tips below for a Zero-waste kitchen to make it a less wasteful space.
Plan before you shop
We all know that if you go grocery shopping without a list, you may as well just throw your money away and buy a lot of items you don’t need. To avoid the waste from the grocery shopping, you can take time to create a meal plan and prepare a list of everything you need from the store. It makes sure you won’t buy more than you expect.

Shop with bags
To reduce the waste, you can bring your own shopping bags when you go shopping. It is found that there are so many packing wastes like plastic and paper when you prepare your meal daily. Next time when people ask if you need a plastic bag in grocery, you can simple say “No thanks, I brought my own”.

Store food in reusable containers
Plastic storage is not only wasteful, it’s unhealthy. Start collecting jars or any sort of glass or metal container to store the food or leftovers. You can also bring it to the grocery store with you. It helps keeps fruits and veggies fresh longer to reduce food waste.

Find a second use for food scraps
When it comes to kitchen wastes, food scraps account for a huge percentage of landfill waste. In fact,many food scraps can actually serve another purpose. For example, you can place the scrap end of onions in a tray of shallow water to regrow them. Many vegetable scraps can be used up to another vegetable recipe. If there are any food scraps you can’t use, you can also reduce your home’s footprint by composting. It is a great way to create your own zero waste kitchen.