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0804 Main Banner_0 All of us love green tea for its taste and rich vitamin C. Renowned for its high antioxidant levels, green tea helps slow the aging process and combats wrinkles. That’s probably why Japanese women always stay so slim and young! Now, with a bit of creativity, you can make your own green tea-based beauty products too.  Ready to unlock the secrets of Japanese eternal youth? Check this out! 1. Relaxing and Soothing Boil a green tea bag with hot water. Let the tea bag cool, then apply the freshly brewed tea leaves on your face. Leave them on for a while and rinse with clear water. 0804 pic_1_0 2. Making a Skin Toner Brew green tea with hot water. Filter out the leaves and pour the tea into a clean spray bottle.  Add two drops of essence oil and store it in the refrigerator. Spray the solution on your face after cleansing in the morning and at night. 0804 pic_2_0 3. Hydrating Mix green tea powder with plain yogurt and honey. Apply evenly on face for about 15 minutes.  Rinse with clear water. This is an amazing way to keep your skin super hydrated! 0804 pic_3_0 4. Relieving Puffy Eyes Don’t waste those tea bags after morning tea! Chill them in the refrigerator. Then apply them on your eyes before you go to bed. This tea treatment works wonders for helping you relax from the stresses of your long day. 0804 pic_4_0 Now you know the secret! Green tea lovers know that green tea is both stylish and healthy. Its caffeine rejuvenates your body and boosts your energy levels. Here’s what true beauties do: Live life wisely and live it well!

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Anti-aging: Face massage

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