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Nosecare (Wearable Device to Treat & Cure Allergic Rhinitis) 1s

Nosecare (Wearable Device to Treat & Cure Allergic Rhinitis) 1s
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LUMITHERAPY Nosecare (Wearable Device to Treat & Cure Allergic Rhinitis) 1s
Lumi Therapy NoseCare is a personal wearable device designed to treat and cure allergic rhinitis. NoseCare has two LED lamps, consisting of 660nm red light and 940nm near infrared , that are optimized to relieve nasal inflammation and lowering histamine level in order to cure allergic symptoms, such as sneezing, runny nose, itchiness, clogged nose.
Lightweight and small sized device for easy storage
Effective and patented LED lamps
Ergonomically design for maximum comfort and usability.

Product Usage

Lumi Therapy NoseCare is a personal wearable device designed to treat and cure allergic rhinitis. NoseCare has two LED lamps, consisting of 660nm red light and 940nm near infrared , that are optimized to relieve nasal inflammation and lowering histamine level in order to cure allergic symptoms, such as sneezing, runny nose, itchiness, clogged nose.
Lightweight and small sized device for easy storage
Effective and patented LED lamps
Ergonomically design for maximum comfort and usability.


Do not stare at the therapeutic LED at close range.
Do not use in the following cases.
- If you have heart disease
- Anyone with a heart failure or using life-support medical devices such as a Pump-oxygenator
- Anyone who is physically and mentally weak
- Those who are deemed unsuitable for use of the device according to the doctor’s diagnosis
In the following cases, please consult with your doctor before using the product.
- When a person is having or suspected of having various diseases (Acute patients / patients with malignancy / patients with cancer / patients with high fever / people got physically too weak / life-support medical devices users)
- When you get skin allergies or heat overreaction after using the device
- Patients who have recently had a surgery
- If there is inflammation or wound on the skin area that the product touches
- During use, if you are experiencing unusual reactions or feeling uncomfortable
- If you have serious illness or damage not mentioned above


3 minutes per session
LED irradiation effect may last for a few hours; please give more than 5-hour interval until the next session.
You may use the device up to 3 sessions a day.
